Tournament Rules PageNote: Register at the seminars.
Tournament Rules
In order to create and maintain a fair tournament, the following Tournament Rules are defined.
To determine your BELT
RANK for a Shaolin Chi Mantis tournament
(despite whatever Rank may have been
awarded you by your current or previous Kung Fu school),
please view our Tournament
Ranking for Shaolin Chi Mantis & Tai Chi Youth Tournaments specifications below.
LOCATION: The location of each tournament and seminar can be verified on the "Events" webpages or visiting for tournament updates.
SCHEDULE: The schedule of each tournament is subject to the number of entrants and regulations of the tournament location. The following order of events is for the SCM & TCY Annual Chinese Gongfu & Taijiquan Tournaments.
Registration | 9:30am |
Opening Ceremonies | 10:00am |
Taijiquan Short Form Performance Competition | |
Taijiquan Applications | |
Choreographed Taijiquan Fighting Routines | |
Fast Taijiquan Forms | |
Taijiquan Weapons | |
Northern Styles Gongfu Form Performance Competition | |
Southern Styles Gongfu Form Performance | |
Northern Praying Mantis Form Performance | |
2-Man Open Hand Forms | |
Gongfu Applications | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Single Saber | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Single Straight Sword | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Staff | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Spear | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Flexible Weapon | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Double Weapons | |
Weapon Form Performance Competition - Other Weapons | |
Division Championship: Taijiquan Short Form Performance Competition* | |
Division Championship: Taijiquan Applications* | |
Division Championship: Choreographed Taijiquan Fighting Routines* | |
Division Championship: Fast Taijiquan Forms* | |
Division Championship: Taijiquan Weapons* | |
Division Championship: Northern Styles Gongfu Form Performances* | |
Division Championship: Southern Styles Gongfu Form Performances* | |
Division Championship: Northern Praying Mantis Form Performances* | |
Division Championship:2-Man Open Hand Forms* | |
Division Championship:Gongfu Applications* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Single Saber* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Single Straight Sword* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Staff* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Spear* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Flexible Weapon* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Double Weapons* | |
Division Championship:Weapon Form Performance Competition - Other Weapons* | |
Closing Ceremonies | **6:00pm |
*Division Championships are FREE and consist of the First Place winners competing for ONE CHAMPIONSHIP AWARD per Division. Please inform the Registration Booth if you will not be competing at the end of the day for this award so that the events can be properly planned and scheduled. Each Division Championship must include at least 2 competitors to be scheduled.
** Closing Ceremonies will begin whenever all tournament events have been completed.
DIVISIONS: All participants will be grouped by Belt Rank, Chinese Gongfu Style, and age. Events lacking sufficient numbers of competitors will be combined to create competitive events of at least 3 persons. Should the combination of events still yield only one competitor, the sole competitor must perform to receive their award.
AGE DETERMINATION: The athlete's age on the last July 1, shall determine the proper age division. (That is how the sport Karate tournaments decide your age.)
RANK DETERMINATION: The athlete's rank, despite actual rank certified by athlete's school, shall be determined by years of experience in Chinese Martial Arts. e.g. A student studies one year in Hung Gar and one year in Shaolin Gongfu = 2 years experience = Intermediate Level. Korean, Japanese and other martial arts do not apply, however, the athlete may petition the Tournament Director for a division rank upgrade. For more information on Belt Ranking and contacting the Tournament Director, see the "Tournament Ranking of Shaolin Chi Mantis & Tai Chi Youth" below.
UNQUALIFIED ENTRANTS: Preregistration is recommended to facilitate registration and entry into the appropriate competition events and categories. Some tournament events, such as the Push Hands competitions, REQUIRE APPROVAL of the Tournament Patriarch. The registration forms include spaces to explain your training or school affiliation to verify your Push Hands experience.
Unqualified entrants require training in the basics of Push Hands, tournament rules, and more experience in Push Hands competitions. For the safety of our competitors and to maintain a professional Push Hands Tournament, we can only allow Push Hands competitors who are PREPARED FOR TOURNAMENT COMPETITION.
If tournament spectators would like to compete in any of our Shaolin Chi Mantis tournaments, and were unable to attend any of our Shaolin Chi Mantis Push Hands Seminars, and do not belong to a Kung Fu school with Push Hands training -- a sign-up sheet may be provided and if enough Unqualified Entrants register, a separate Push Hands competition can be scheduled for a fee of $50 each. This "Unqualified Entrant" Push Hands competition will be scheduled based upon availability of space and time, and provide a little bit of instruction for all the contestants.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Preregistration is advised to enable better event planning. All applications and fees must be submitted before the start of Opening Ceremonies on the day of the event. Late entries will not be accepted. Spectator tickets may be purchased at any time until the event is completed.
AAU MEMBERSHIP: All athletes, coaches, and officials must be members of the AAU Amateur Athletic Union and be able to present their AAU membership card at the time of registration (check-in). This is a requirement of our insurance policy and the event location owner. AAU memberships may be purchased when registering on the day of the event and will be effective immediately. For more information and registration forms online visit the Southern Pacific AAU website.
AAU RULES: A PDF version of the AAU Chinese Martial Arts Tournament Rules may be obtained from the AAU. Shaolin Chi Mantis Rules, when different from AAU rules, will prevail.
WARNINGS: Second warning from Judges will result in loss of point. Third warning from Judges will result in disqualification.
ENTRY FEE: Payment prices may vary from event to event or year to year based upon current location and expenses. See the following webpages for current prices and discounts.
- Buddha Zhen "LECTURES" webpage
- "EVENTS" webpage
QUALIFICATION: All participants must be students of an actual Chinese Martial Art Style. Kempo, Tae Kwon Do, and Kenpo are not Chinese martial arts. Any tournament registration not including evidence of Chinese martial arts training will not be accepted. Unaccepted applicants will be provided a Spectator Pass. NO REFUNDS will be made for any reasons.
OFFICIALS: Advanced Level martial artists and Masters wishing to judge, referee or assist at any Shaolin Chi Mantis must complete a JUDGING SEMINAR.
AWARDS: Certificate Awards or trophies will be presented to the 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place winners of each event. If only one competitor is competing, even after the combining of related events, the single competitor must still perform to attain the 1st Place Award.
- All Judge decisions are final. Disagreements and complaints are to be voiced between event competitions to the Head Judge or Tournament Program Director.
- Loud smacking sounds resulting from palms and hands striking opponent will be cause to stop current competition and scold competitors that, "continued roughness will result in score loss and disqualification."
- Feet may pivot on the heels, but any foot not touching the ground is a point for the opponent.
- If Judges do not declare, "stop," before the 2nd competitor raises a foot = no scores.
- Judges may stop and restart any round due to lack of competition or opponents both completely separate.
- A hand touching the ground is the same as a foot raised from the ground = point for opponent.
- Contact is allowed on arms, hands, and from the shoulders down to the hips.
- No grabbing with thumb allowed.
- Students pulling opponent off-balance by grabbing or wrist-locking as they knowingly fall down may have an additional point deducted for bad sportsmanship. (Good Push Hands does not pull your opponent on top of you.)
- The two competition area Push Hands Judges may position themselves and the opponents to enable the best view of the competition by the main audience or as directed by the Tournament Director.
- Push Hands competitions consist of two 30-second rounds with the timer clock being stopped and restarted with the Judge's commands of starting and stopping the competition.
- Tie scores are resolved by "Death Match" which determines the winner by the first point won by either compeititor.
- One of the two Judges will signal the scorekeeper and audience of each score after first conferring with the other Judge. Although the Head Judge may decided otherwise of the other Judge, the Head Judge may also alter their initial decision if convinced by other Judge.
- Preferably scores are only given when both Judges agree, and there is no disagreement between the Judges.
- Judges are positioned on both sides of the competitiors, so both Judges have different views providing better judging decisions. Each Judge depends on the other Judge for a complete view of the competition.
- Competitors of each upcoming event must wait in the Holding Area and be ready for competition as soon as their event and names are called.
- Competitors not present when their names and events are called may be disqualified before the first competitor of their division is called forward by the Judges.
UNIFORMS: Traditional Chinese martial arts uniforms with or without Mandarin collars are required. All uniforms should have cloth type "frog buttons." Japanese "Ghis", T-shirts, or uniforms with designs, lettering, or logos on the back, front, or pant legs will not be allowed.
Only three (3) patches will be allowed on any uniform: two (2) school emblems, and one (1) AAU logo.
OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Shin guards, forearm guards, chest protection, groin protection, and certified safety glasses with straps may be used if provided by the competitor. Other protection may be allowed per approval of the Officials of the current event.
WEAPONS: All weapons must be approved by an SCM Official prior to the weapon event. Unsafe or disqualified weapons will result in the disqualification of the competitor prior to the event unless it is replaced with an acceptable weapon.
DISQUALIFICATION: The following items may not be worn during competition: headbands, jewelry, T-shirts, metal hair clips, or any other article deemed inappropriate or potentially hazardous by the SCM Officials. Fingernails must be cut short for Tournament Combat Divisions. Only sports safety glasses or other approved eyewear is allowed during any Tournament Combat Divisions.
Two verbal warnings from the Judges will be the only warnings for misconduct, or Push Hands rules violations. The third complaint from the Judges will result in an additional point for the opponent. The fourth complaint from the Judges will result in a warning of FORFEITING the current match if one more violation is noticed by the judges. After receiving one forfeiture, the competitor may still be allowed to compete if it is not their third loss of this event. If a second forfeiture is awarded, the competitor will not be allowed to compete further in this event or related events during this tournament. For example, a competitor disqualified in the Push Hands event will be disqualified from the Crane Wars events, but may still compete in the weapons competitions -- provided the disqualified student has been mannerly and respectful throughout the tournament.
Judge warnings may result from slapping, scratching, grabbing, joint locks, and excessive force. Since Push Hands is a Tai Chi competition event, some adherence, and application of Tai Chi principles should be apparent in the competitor's techniques and skills. Being "too stiff" or "too aggressive" can be prevented by attending our SCM Push Hands Seminars where each student is trained to be "tournament ready."
ARBITRATION: All Judges' decisions are final. No arbitration will take place. Complaints or suggestions can be submitted in writing to the SCM & TCY Tournament Committee so that future tournaments can be improved.
SUGGESTION: Attend the seminars and Judging Seminars prior to each tournament. This is a good opportunity to have your uniforms, weapons, and criteria approved BEFORE the tournament.
Tournament Ranking
In order to create and maintain
a fair tournament,
the following BELT RANKINGS are defined
since many Kung Fu
schools do not have a belt ranking system
or may have different belt ranking
Title |
Ages |
6 to 8 |
9 to 12 |
13 to 15 |
16 to 20 |
21 to 44 |
45 and
older |
to 4 months |
Novices are not allowed to compete in Shaolin Chi Mantis and Tai Chi Youth tournaments since their inexperience will outweigh their Kung Fu abilities. Currently, the only exception to this can be in the Push Hands and Crane Wars events where competitors can be approved after attending a Push Hands Seminar of SCM and TCY. | |
months to 1 year |
Beginners require an entire year to naturally employ the stances and movements of Kung Fu. Some Advanced Level Karate stylists trained by Shaolin Chi Mantis have been able to display Intermediate Level skills after 6 months of Kung Fu training. If you are a Beginner Level Kung Fu student with previous years of Karate experience, please email the SCM Tournament Director to compete in the Intermediate Levels. | |
year to 3 years |
Shaolin Chi Mantis has had students who were unable to graduate our Beginner program, yet, become Black Belts in Karate in less than one year. All students of more than one year of Kung Fu training MUST compete in the Intermediate Level. The true nature of Kung Fu is to develop the body AND mind of every student to higher levels of awareness and compassion. An Advanced Level Kung Fu artist must demonstrate some mastery of Kung Fu movements including Staff, Single Saber, and Double Sabers. If you believe that you should compete as an Advanced Level Kung Fu artist with less than 3 years of Kung Fu training, please email the SCM Tournament Director to compete in the Advanced Levels. | |
years to 5 years or more if not a Shifu |
Advanced Level students are also known as "Disciples." An Advanced student represents his Shifu in both skills and character. Unfortunately, only the most diligent of students are able to achieve this level of mastery in less than 5 years. Some students can attend classes every day for three years and still be Beginners. Tournaments are an opportunity for devoted students to shine with their dedication. Even if you have attained a Kung Fu Black Belt in less than 5 years, you will not be allowed to compete in the Master Level. (See requirements below.) | |
or more if a Shifu |
Belt Ranking is a Japanese concept that has only recently been adopted by Chinese martial artists. Shaolin Chi Mantis has been a pioneer in developing and standardizing Belt Ranking for Chinese martial arts. Although levels of ability have always been understood and applied, the Master Level was only attained by very few Chinese martial artists who were considered "inheritors" of the Kung Fu system. To avoid embarrassing yourself / your school / or your Shifu, to compete at the Master Level. This is not intended to humiliate or insult anyone. Please inform us of your instructing, whether you are teaching out of your backyard or your Master's school. With respect to the traditional concepts of Kung Fu, . For those Disciples who have been active in Kung Fu for more than 5 years but not pursued the responsibilities and demands of teaching Kung Fu--it is still an exceptional honor to be ranked as an Advanced Level martial artist. All unauthorized competitors with 5 or more years experience will be allowed to compete at the Advanced Level. |
Further questions or Ranking Upgrades should be sent to the SCM Tournament Director:
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