Final Evolution of Humans
What would a world without men be like?
This book asks that question -- then asks, "What
are you going to do about it?"
In a world without men, women must be everything.
Would women be different? Would women make different laws? Would
women change politics?
Would women be more successful than men?
Would women stop all wars, end famine, and save
the world?
Rachel says, "Yes we can. Let's get it
done." Then she details the steps and starts asking the tough
questions that men can't answer, or have refused to answer for
the past 200 years.
Men's world? The home of course. This book is
about a world of men at home raising the children professionally
-- and it's a better world than what we have now.
Rachel Connor has bravely theorized that women
can run the world better than men. Utilizing science and history,
she points out that men have fulfilled their role to conquer the
planet and make it safe for women. Now women can for the first
time in human history, support the family, and not be required
to stay home and raise the kids. This is a new world we have evolved
This book will at least inspire people to consider
their futures, roles and potentials in a new world -- run by women.
What would you do differently?
Rachel is a professional
biographer who states that the evolution has already begun and
she wants to know your stories that are shaping this new future
for men and women of the planet Earth. This book will be updated
periodically to reveal the worldwide efforts, results, rewards
and difficulties of women.
Now's your chance!
Contact Rachel with your stories:
Purchase your CURRENT
It's A Woman's World
