Created for internet viewing, our webmaster, Richard Del Connor, wasn't able to configure a script to present these free daily inspirations to visitors of, the shopping cart website for all our other Kung Fu, Tai Chi, and music websites.
So, these DAILY INSPIRATIONS have lied dormant, on the internet, unused and unlinked to any directory).
As we redesigned our websites, we realized that we could offer these DAILY INSPIRATIONS as a download of all 365 webpages at one time.
Inspired by our success of creating the world's first interactive Kung Fu manual, BUDDHA KUNG FU STUDENT MANUAL, we created also, a PDF VERSION of the 365 website pages. Most of the links work and take you to the same internet webpages as the original webpage links this book was created from.
BOTH VERSIONS are included in the download: PDF book + 365 HTML webpages