Shaolin Logo of 1984

Bringing Light Online Since 1999

PRIVATE LESSONS   Life Coach,  Kung Fu & Tai Chi Shifu   BUDDHA  ZHEN, Shen-Lang

Buddha Zhen
Zhen is Truth

Private Lessons with Buddha Zhen

Travel Fees
  Buddha Zhen will come to you...

Video Consultations
  send your video for reviewing...

Book Signing Tour Schedule
  Catch Buddha Zhen on tour.. .

Private Lessons with Buddha Zhen

Teaching the Shaolin Front KickUse the PayPal buttons below
to reserve your private lessons.

Call me at 858-717-7074.   I'm on California time.
Leave a detailed message with phone and email address and best time to call you back.

Bamboo Divider
PRIVATE LESSONS  with  Buddha Zhen
Bamboo Divider

Don't forget to add your "Travel Fee" below for each class you are purchasing,
unless you are visiting Buddha Zhen at his home-school, the "House Of Zhen,"
or a location of Buddha Zhen's convenience,
such as after a Kung Fu class at the park...

Buddha Zhen teaching at YMCA LaCanada

Private Lesson -
1 hour at House Of Zhen
or location of Buddha Zhen's convenience
at $75 hour - no travel fee = $75

Shaolin Communications uses PayPal



Buddha Zhen teaching children in his backyard in Tujunga.
Private Lesson -
4 hours PrePaid at House Of Zhen
or location of Buddha Zhen's convenience
at $50 hour - ($25 per hour DISCOUNT) no travel fee = $200

Shaolin Communications uses PayPal

Bamboo Divider
Bamboo Divider

Buddha Zhen teaching YMCA LaCanadaTravel Fee for Buddha Zhen -
$50 for less than 10 miles from House Of Zhen = $50

Shaolin Communications uses PayPal


Zhen Ming-Mou was a follower of Zhen Shen-LangTravel Fee for Buddha Zhen -

$100 for less than 25 miles from House Of Zhen = $100

Shaolin Communications uses PayPal


Bamboo Divider
Bamboo Divider

Send a video / DVD / digital video file
by email to Buddha Zhen.
He will study it and reply to you by video, or phone, or email,
or video conference with his suggestions, and criticisms.

Buddha Zhen Tai Chi at Gil Gal GardensBuddha Zhen
DVD Video Consultation
at $5 per minute
for 10 minute or less DVD video BY YOU
plus $25 reply fee plus $10 shipping = $85

Shaolin Communications uses PayPal

Buddha Zhen Tai Chi at Gil Gal GardensBuddha Zhen

DVD Video Consultation
at $5 per minute
for 20 minute or less DVD video BY YOU
plus $50 reply fee plus $10 shipping = $160

Shaolin Communications uses PayPal

Book Signing Tour Schedule

The following tour dates may have "free time" that Buddha Zhen can schedule seminars or private lessons during his world tours.

Date City Location  
      more info >>>
      more info >>>

Contact us for more details >>

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