11 songs plus 12 poems by The Hippy Coyote.
This is Coyote's first album as a drummer. Check out the cymbal work on "House Of Rejection" and drumming on "Musical Woman" and tambo-bell he made for the song, "I Just Want To Be With You." He bungied two tambourines together with a cowbell sandwiched in between. Then, pounding on the tambourines in specific spots he was able to activate the cowbell in the middle...
Coyote's poetry is also completely different with his bass melodies on all 12 poems. Check out "1,000 Sorrows For A Love" with that weird sucking compression on the vocal. We're calling Coyote's new poetry style, "BASS POETRY." These "BASS POEMS" are the coolest thing to happen to poetry since Leonard Cohen.
The songs are NUMBERED in their CD ORDER so you can properly experience this record album.
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Romantic with a bit of lustiness.
Similar to albums:
Revolver, The Beatles;
Led Zeppelin IV, Led Zeppelin;
All American Boy, Rick Derringer.
Listen to the FREE song samples below: CLICK the headphones...
CD Inlay Tray
1. I Want You To Love Me

Song: 3:28
Folk Rock / Classic Rock / Romantic
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
I wrote this in Fred Gee's office, the owner of Apogee Film Studios. I was working there and this delivery girl really knocked me out. I wrote this song before I asked her out.
First song and theme song of American Zen's 3rd album, LEVEL 3 = I Want You To Love Me.
This passionate song sets the tone for this folk rock album with Coyote's pounding drums and acoustic guitar.
Similar to artists: Al Stewart, Donovan, and Rocky Horror Picture Show
2. All Around The World

Song: 2:58
Romantic /Classic Rock /
50s Rock'n'roll
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
This song got me into trouble several times when performing in nightclubs. Sometimes I prefer to use real girls, instead of memories, to invigorate me when performing. Unfortunately, most pretty girls in the audience have a boyfriend. Sometimes, I would really connect with a girl in the audience. Sometimes one of those boyfriends would try to beat me up...
I'm anxious to perform this song again, so girls, don't bring your boyfriends when you see me in concert...
Old-fashioned rock'n'roll song about loving someone even when you are apart from them.
3. I Just
Want To Be With You
Rock'n'roll / Romantic
/ Surf
Music & Lyrics by The
Hippy Coyote
The lyrics were written the night I recorded them for this album in July, 2008.
Another old-fashioned rock'n'roll song. Coyote wrote the lyrics moments before singing them. He said this song is now a "shopping list" for what he wants in a girl.
Similar to artists: Arlo Guthrie, Donovan, James Taylor, Beach Boys
4. In

Song: 3:17
Classic Rock / British Invasion Rock / Romantic "Popular"
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
I've waited , patiently, many times in my life. As they say, "The best ones are already taken." If I've made mistakes in my life, it was probably due to putting desire before logic or principle.
How do you know when it's "true love?" How many loves or perfect girls have I missed because I was too patient? -sigh- I did. I just sighed.
I want to make a resolution: If I meet someone I'm attracted to, I will evaluate them, get to know them, and try to go at least one week without kissing them? One month? No, too long. Maybe I could go a week without kissing, if we could hold hands and touch, kiss cheeks, rub shoulders...sheesh. I feel like kissing my imaginary test love and she doesn't even exist.
Love, Coyote
We mixed the live concert in and out of the song a few times. The album cover and liner photos are the band performing live in this song. Drummer John is in the middle with Bob on guitar and Coyote on bass.
Coyote recorded the drums playing along to the concert recording so they matched up really good. The live track was recorded with a cassette "walkman" sitting on the stage in front of Coyote's mike stand. I regret that we don't have more videotapes and recordings of our bands over the years. I would love to record a live concert for an album. I'm stilling looking forward to that.
Richard Connor
Producer, Shaolin Records
House Of Rejection

Song: 4:47
Blues / Folk Rock / Soul "Classic Rock"
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
Rockin' blues with an Irish skip and a Jethro Tull sounding flute solo followed by an amazing guitar solo reminiscent of Stairway To Heaven by Led Zeppelin.
Change Your Mind

Song: 4:47
Folk Rock / Southern Rock "Classic Rock" / Popular
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
"Change Your Mind" and "All Alone" were recorded before Coyote bought his drum set on Valentine's Day 2006. The 50 gallon barrel drum had a unique sound. Coyote kept a roll of paper towels in it to stop it from ringing.
When this was recorded, the Lesbian Neighbors were my neighbors.
All Alone

Song: 4:03
Folk Rock / Acoustic Music / Popular
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
Romantic lonely hopeful song sung with unique harmonies and fun falsettos by the "Nephilim Choir."
Sounds similar to early Beach Boys, The Beatles, Roy Orbison.
8. Hurts
To Know

Song: 3:04
Hard Rock / Folk Rock / Alternative
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
I love playing drums. It's September 2008 and I've just moved into an apartment...no drums...bummer.
Tell your friends to buy more albums, I need a bigger house than this apartment in Montrose, behind the library.
Thanks for being Zen, or being interested in my Zen, or being...
Song Description:
Hard rock song like Bachman Turner Overdrive BTO or The Cult. A romantic, masculine song with a sensitive melodic chorus.
9. Musical

Song: 4:02
Rock / Blues / Show Tune "Romantic Music"
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
Nasty and sexy, this song was written to Angie of Coyote's book, LOVE, ALWAYS & FOREVER!
If you want to know the whole nasty story, you'll have to wait until we publish that book again, written just before Coyote met Michelle and moved to Utah.
10. Carol

Song: 3:24
Folk Rock / Reggae "Alternative" / Popular "Romantic"
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
I ruined my chances with Carol when I performed this in a nightclub and was too aggressive in singing it too her. It embarrassed her. I hope that I can win her back with this version and my sincerest apology.
Although I was trying to be romantic, this song sounds to me like that "Animal" character who played drums on Sesame Street. But I really did put my heart into this song. I was so emotionally involved during the recording of the drums that I remembers crying at the end of the last take. I was so happy, so sad, so loving, and so wanting love...
When I do my best and I know I've been as focused as I can be, or in Zen harmony with the song story or event--I figure that's as good as I can do. Even the recording imperfections can have a pleasant quality when they are part of an ultimate performance.
Love, Coyote
Song Description:
A little reggae and lot of pounding rock drums by The Hippy Coyote, make the song, "Carol," a fun, uplifting, love courtship song.
11. In

Song: 2:59
Classic Rock / Popular "Rock'n'roll" / Folk Rock
Music & Lyrics by The Hippy Coyote
If money was my highest priority, I'm certain I'd have a mountain of it.
Unfortunately for me, I chose spiritual and creative pursuits whether they were financially rewarding or not. My life is a constant adventure from one project, book, record, concert, movie, or radio show... to the next one.
Of course, now I want to get paid, but I'm moving on to my next project anyway...
Love, Coyote
"IN DREAMS" has been an audience favorite during Coyote's solo performances on acoustic guitar in Los Angeles. Filled with both hope and sorrow, we hope this is the last of Coyote's poverty songs.
Love, Not War.
LEVEL 3 album uploaded to internet for release on 9/11/2008.
Zen's third album is the Zen of Love .
the one you love, buy the album, I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME.

CD Imprint Label from LEVEL 3 CD
12. My
Lesbian Neighbors

Bass Poem: 2:14
Poetry / Spoken Word / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
I was sitting in the parking lot at Troy Burger and a couple of Tujunga longhairs were also there picking grapes from the vines on the back fence.
They kept asking me to turn up my music, a test pressing of LEVEL 3 = I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME. So I invited them to come sit in the car and listen to my new record.
They listened to every song and every poem and were a great audience. They especially laughed at this poem and said several times to each other, "I have got to play this for our dyke neighbor Becky."
It would appear that loud lesbians are not uncommon in Tujunga.
Love, Coyote
Coyote's Tujunga neighbors while recording the LEVEL 3 = I WANT YOU TO LOVE ME album.
13. Whatever

Bass Poem: 0:52
Poetry / Spoken Word / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
Romantic poem read by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen with a wild bass guitar in the background.
14. Everything

Bass Poem: 1:21
Poetry / Spoken Word / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
Romantically lost in love.
I miss--being in love.
Love, Coyote
When Coyote gets romantic, he really goes all the way. Despite his "playing the field," when he settles down, he is monogamous.
15. Magic

Poem plus Bass Guitar: 1:27
Poetry / Spoken Word / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
I wrote this at an outdoor backyard barbecue in Tooele, Utah, around the lake from Salt Lake City.
She was sitting near me, the sun was setting, everyone was laughing and talking, and she was there...and I wrote this poem.
Then Michael asked me what I wrote. So I read it aloud to the crowd of Utahans.
Everywhere we went was magical. Holding hands...
Sheesh. Getting all mushy right now.
Love, Coyote
Romantic and ethereal poem as Coyote's happiness transposes him into a realm of magic.
1,000 Sorrows For A Love

Bass Poem: 7:21
Poetry / Spoken Word / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
This song will test your speakers. If you hear buzzing, you've either got coins on your speaker cabinet, a hole in your speaker, or music loving mosquitoes.
This is actually a love letter that I wrote shortly after the "Magic Lady" poem.
I will always miss her. She gave me dreams and re awoke the dreams that had been compromised.
Lara got me to start singing again and playing the bass again. I'd practice-play-perform the bass to her, with the telephone laid on a pillow in front of my speaker cabinet. This taught me a new way of performing bass on a one-to-one basis.
So when I recorded these bass tracks to the poetry, Lara was my inspiration.
Love, Coyote
Romantic long poem with bass guitars playing melodies behind the spoken words of The Hippy Coyote of American Zen.
"1,000 SORROWS FOR A LOVE" is actually a love letter, sent to his last sweetheart as they were breaking up.
The bass guitars add a new dimension to Coyote's poetry. Coyote listened to the poem and recorded all three basses to match the words he'd already recorded. The harmonies of the basses is a rare musical style, difficult to appreciate with other instruments on top, in a normal song.
As I write this, September 11, of 2008, I've already noticed a unanimous appreciation for this song. This could be the biggest hit of the album?
Richard Connor
Producer, shaolinRECORDS.com
17. Let's
Go To Church

Bass Poem: 3:34
Poetry / Religion and Spirituality / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
This is a mixture of me talking to me and my son talking to me.
I have again become an antiwar 1968 peacenik hippie teenage protestor in 2008.
The cycles of life?
Love, Coyote
Written and read by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen, "LET'S GO TO CHURCH" is a conversation between a father and a son.
The father keeps explaining that God promotes peace as the son continues to discover stories of God promoting war and violence.
The resulting conclusion of the father will shock most people.
Del Connor
Producer, Shaolin Records
18. God
Is Smaller Than You Think

Bass Poem: 2:09
Poetry / Religion and Spirituality / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
Perhaps no one has ever seen God?
Love, Coyote
A funny poem by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen that humanizes God or adds more questions as to what God does look like.
Richard Connor
Producer, Shaolin Records

Bass Poem: 1:55
Poetry / Spoken Word / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
I was trying not to be too sarcastic...
Love, Coyote
Cynical poem by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen that is not completely appreciative of all man's technological accomplishments.
Richard Connor
Producer, Shaolin Records

Bass Poem: 0:18
Poetry / Religion and Spirituality / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
I hope your God is not leading you astray.
Love, Coyote
A short poem by The Hippy Coyote of American Zen. The accompanying bass guitar portrays the majesty of Coyote's God...
Richard Connor
Producer, Shaolin Records

Bass Poem: 0:20
Poetry / Self-help / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
As the world becomes more feminine and more women start to run the world, intuition will become a business management course. Men use intuition, but it is a feminine quality that should always be discarded when information invalidates it or doesn't support it anyway.
To live by feelings is like being a puppet. Anyone who can control or influence your feelings will control or influence your life.
Replace intuition with logic by never using intuition. It's a shortcut to the truth that stops before you get to the truth.
Love, Coyote
Coyote illustrates that intuition is what we feel and that what we feel is inside of us.
Richard Connor
Producer, shaolinRECORDS.com
My World

Bass Poem: 0:32
Poetry / Family and Relationships / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
This song has less special effects than any of the other poems.
Love, Coyote
Poem written about Coyote's obsession with Lara...
Richard Connor
Producer, shaolinRECORDS.com
23. Patience

Bass Poem: 0:51
Poetry / Family and Relationships / Bass Music "Bass Poetry"
Poet, Composer, Bassist and Narrator: The Hippy Coyote
This poem isn't another version of "Just say, No." I'm saying "Just wait."
Love, Coyote
The last poem and track of the
album leaves us hanging and concerned and anxious for Coyote's next
album. After moving to Montrose from Tujunga, Coyote has resolved to
play his flute more. His next album will be LEVEL
Shaolin Communications has launched BUDDHA KUNG FU this year in 2008 with a student manual produced by Shaolin Records and published by Shaolin Communications. Get your copy at www.BuddhaKungFu.com
So our next folk rock album will have Shaolin Kung Fu stories. Coyote used to start all his Utah concerts with a sword performance. We haven't started planning the next album, but just pondering this next album gets me excited.
I hope you enjoyed my comments and explanations of the songs.

Del Connor
Owner, Shaolin Records