American Zen Buddhist Folk Rock Band of The Coyote Homepage of American Zen featuring The Coyote MP3 free song downloads of Zen Buddhist folk rock Buy your CD of Shaolin Zen spiritual development
America's first Buddhist rock band American Zen Magazine and newspaper REVIEWS of the CD PRESS RELEASES sent by Shaolin Records PDF books, CDs, DVDs, T-shirts, and hats INSTRUMENTS include Ukulele, flute, slide guitar FAQ Frequently Asked Questions of The Coyote MP3 song music download samples of CD STORY of Coyote's Buddhist life in Mormon Utah American Zen is THE BAND of Buddhist Folk Rockers




CURRENT Gigs of Coyote >>>>

With the release of LEVEL 1 = PEACE OF MIND, Coyote's been performing as a soloist. Sometimes he performs guitar with sarcastic lyrics like Bob Dylan or sings romantic songs like Donovan. Sometimes he plays solo flute Jethro Tull-style. Fortunately he looks more like Cary Grant and Richard Gere than Ian Anderson, the flute player of Jethro Tull.

Folk Rock Troubadour Coyote

Jamming to basic tracks of their upcoming album LEVEL 2 = Christ Killer, Coyote gigs have also been very unusual concerts. "I wanted to try out some stuff before I recorded it on the album," explains Coyote. "There were a few things, like vocals and flute parts that were really fun performing live, but I probably won't record for the album. So those gigs were all kind of special." These gigs included tambourine, bongo bashing and fingersnaps that sounded like castanets.

American Zen

"Performing coffeehouses and small nightclubs is a lot of fun. When the lights are in my eyes on-stage, I can't see the audience." Coyote laughs, "I think most of the time I'm imagining that I'm in concert with a Woodstock-like audience. I don't know if that's a strange thing to crave, but I really want to be on-stage and performing some humongous crowds again. HEY! Anybody need an opening act that sounds like Jethro Tull mated Donovan?"

 American Zen Buddhist Rock Podcast
 American Zen Buddhist Rock Podcast

Coyote enjoys reciting his poems and lyrics at poetry readings. His strong masculine Jim Morrison voice, handsome Spaniard features (he looks like Richard Gere), long wavy black hair (like Arlo Guthrie) have appeared on television shows produced by Shaolin Records. These solo performances have developed a new more personable Coyote. Whether he's pounding rhythms on his acoustic guitar or playing the flute, Coyote jokes and talks to his audience when he's not 'acting' out his songs by reliving or "re-feeling the emotions" that originally inspired the writing of the song.

Coyote Poetry Podcast RADIO SHOW  Coyote Poetry Podcast

Buddha Beach Boys of California Folk Rock Group Hosted by
Shaolin Communications
Logo by Richard Connor for Shaolin Communications
  "Shaolin Records, where Buddha rocks!"