American Zen Buddhist Folk Rock Band of The Coyote Homepage of American Zen featuring The Coyote MP3 free song downloads of Zen Buddhist folk rock Buy your CD of Shaolin Zen spiritual development
Large B/W colorized photo of Coyote LIVE

America's FIrst Buddhist Rock Band = The Coyote
Performing Solo
on Flute and Acoustic Guitar
on 8 Live TV shows

At the time I'm writing this text for this webpage, we've got 8 of these 30 minute LIVE television shows, produced by me, Richard Connor.

We, well Coyote really, decided to just shoot the videos on black. He said he wanted it to look like he was sitting on his chair -- floating in outer space. Some sort of Star Trek fantasy starring Coyote as Captain Kirk.

Coyote performed these singer-songwriter solo songs in a 'dark' manner. As many of you know, in gigs, Coyote chats with the audience, jokes, laughs, and even flirts with girls in the audience.

However, Coyote didn't say one word between these songs, performed LIVE for 3 video cameras.

That was Coyote's idea also. He said he wanted THE SONG to be the THE STAR of the performance. "Let the song speak for itself."

I like his joking. But these eerie performances have a magic to them because he performed every song as much like the original intention of the song as he could.

He had to restart one song several times because he got too emotional, and others "to get in the mood," and he broke a few guitar strings...

So here are the COYOTE RADIO SONGS, recorded LIVE at Shaolin Records during rehearsals for the television shows.

Richard Connor
Producer, Coyote Radio TV Series

Free MP3 Song
by THE COYOTE of American Zen.

Performed LIVE at Shaolin Records.

"Don't Forget"   MP3

This song is provided by Shaolin Records
for promotional purposes.

"Don't Forget" written by The Coyote
Performed by The Coyote on Alvarez 12-string
(with only 6 strings)

The Hippie Hippy Coyote logo by THCoyoteCOYOTE'S Zens of LEVEL 1
Zen #1     Zen #2     Zen #3 
Zen #4    Zen #5      Zen #6
Zen #7      Zen #8



Buddha Beach Boys of California Folk Rock Group

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Shaolin Communications
Logo by Richard Connor for Shaolin Communications
"Shaolin Records, where Buddha rocks!"